#246 — Saba — CARE FOR ME (2018)
It’s bigger than a hip-hop.
This is the first rap album on the list, and given some of the gigantic records which feature further down with their groundbreaking production or cast of superstars, this feels more grounded and real and focused than anything else. If the last record was Tyler Childers’ guitar-string beating tales of Kentucky, then this is Saba pouring Chicago into the microphone.
What catches me about this album is how sparse it sounds being Saba (and guest’s vocals). I say sparse, but I also mean sort of dreamlike. The sharpness of the drums and the woozy effects over bass, piano and guitar lines bring Saba’s lyrics into focus for most of CARE FOR ME.
This album has more to do with Frank Ocean, Kendrick (in places) and *sigh* Drake, but certainly lacks the artificial sheen of the third and is more targeted and angrily raw than the first, and — well we’ll get to the second shortly. Saba’s cousin Walter was murdered in Chicago, and his name and the manner of his death and relationship with the artist are what this album is ultimately about.
For tracks 8 and 9, this album becomes densely backed with a jazz breakdown on GREY feeling like a dam bursting, followed by PROM/KING which is all about his cousin and a prom date and the months leading up to his death and unfolds like a slow-burn panic attack, which isn’t a bad description of what you’ll notice on the second listen through of this album.
That jazz-burst is where Kendrick comes in, as well as the vocals on GREY, by the way. It’s that anger rolling out at high-speed, the injustice dripping off the bars.
Saba is processing trauma on this album, he’s made a Chicago focused album about where he is right now — and it’s not necessarily a good place. But it’s a good album, so even as it closes with HEAVEN ALL AROUND ME, you hope the artist can find some peace with it all.
Saba — CARE FOR ME — 2018
Best Track: PROM/KING, as I’m a sucker for long-play. If you asked me what the album’s about, that’d be the track I’d say provides a precis that you’ll want expansion on.
Underrated Banger: FIGHTER. Saba’s won fights, lost fights, fought with his family, fought with his girl, fought with himself and kept on going. This one’s funny, but it’s as serious as getting your ass kicked too.